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Missoula In Motion works with workplaces to create cultures that encourage healthy, sustainable commuting to improve employee wellness, boost performance, build camaraderie, and keep Missoula's air clean.


Two coworkers smile at each other as they walk across a covered bridge with a bicyclist in the background.


​Help new employees navigate their commute options by sharing our onboarding video as part of your workplace’s orientation. The video is free to local employers and covers ALL of Missoula transportation options, including parking. 

A group of coworkers walking down the pedestrian area on the bridge in downtown Missoula


Missoula In Motion’s flagship program brings together local employers in a friendly competition to see which workplaces can sustainably commute the most in a two-week period. Don’t miss this fun community-wide initiative that provides participating organizations with everything they need to raise awareness about sustainable transportation at the workplace- including tons of opportunities to win prizes! This challenge is always held the first 2 full weeks in May.   

3 women walking onto a bus


Missoula In Motion offers free consultation services for employers to in creating a culture of sustainable transportation at the workplace. This in-depth assessment process offers recommendations with tried and tested strategies. This is a free service for Missoula based businesses so they can reduce their environmental impact, better manage parking and increase employee satisfaction. 


Transportation resources including bike lights,  brochures, and maps, scattered all togther.



Encouraging employees to choose sustainable transportation has never been easier. Missoula In Motion can equip your workplace with resources for individuals wanting to walk, bike, bus, carpool, vanpool, or even telework. Whether you need maps, "No Idling" parking signs, bicycle registration, or information about how to earn rewards from sustainable commutes - we've got the resources you need to connect employees with a comfortable, convenient, and sustainable ways to commute. 

A room full of employees sits listening to a workplace presentation.


Missoula In Motion is available for lunch and learn style presentations to inform employees about all their transportation options and how they can take advantage of our programs.  Presentations can be customized to fit your team’s needs and interests with topics like bike safety, winter commuting, setting up carpools, and more. We'll help your workplace troubleshoot challenges and find enjoyable solutions to get to and from work! 

Blue sky, green lawn, and large brown workplace building.



Missoula's leading employers are making strides in promoting sustainable transportation options to their employees. Read their workplace spotlights and get inspired about ways your business or organization can move to be more sustainable, equitable, and enjoyable for your employees. Reach out if you’d like to be featured!  



The City of Missoula has adopted ambitious mode split goals as a part of it's Long Range Transportation Plan including reducing the drive-alone rate to 34% and tripling bike, walk and transit trips all by 2045.  Your business/organization can help support the community's transportation goals. Every time employees commute using a sustainable mode, you are part of the solution!

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